
WordPress 2.3.1 and other doodads

Does this look different? If not, you are probably reading this through the RSS feed and can just skip to the next item. Unless, of course the feed is now broken. Then, I really want to know. But for those of you looking at this article on its own website, there has been an upgrade of components. This blog now runs: WordPress 2.3.1 -the latest and greatest Soleil theme, slightly modified.

Subscribing to this blog

Are you a regular yet not subscribed reader of this blog? Would you like to subscribe, but haven’t figured out how? I apologise. I have received an email asking how to subscribe to my blog via email. That made me think about subscribers in general and that maybe some of you may be stuck reading this (not-really-periodic) blog the hard way. If you do, maybe this post will help you (and me) to solve this problem.

Loosing non-ascii characters

Somewhere between upgrading WordPress and (possibly) upgrading MySql database, all the non latin characters got corrupted. This included my Russian, Spanish, French and possibly Esperanto writing. Basically, anything in UTF-8 that is not in latin-1. The partial solution was go into database administration and changing the text columns collation order to Unicode. Unfortunately, that only fixed the new entries and not the old ones. So, I have to compare latest export with the older backup (which I take before every upgrade) and reconstruct entries from that.

I have installed reCAPTCHA

I get much more spam then comments on this blog, so I figured that maybe I can do something about it. I have now installed reCAPTCHA verification plugin. It is intended to serve two purposes: Slow down the spammers by requiring them to enter some text Help digitizing the public domain books, as this is where the verification texts are coming from There should be no problems using the plugin, but if you encounter any do let me know.

All are now one

I used to run a blog for my professional (Java) interests. Then, I wanted to write about other things such as language learning and dancing. As the old blog was being syndicated for its professional content, I created a new blog on a different server. Both blogs were on free servers: Blogger and WordPress correspondingly. Eventually, I have outgrown both services as I wanted to control the layout more and also bring the professional and non-professional aspects of my life together.