Weird Stuff

Music making machine

If you like programming and/or pattern-based music, do not follow this link. I had ignored someone’s identical advice and 20 minutes of my life is now gone. So, I pass on the advice, in the hopes that others have more resistance than me. 🙂 If you are week of spirit however, make sure you are alone in the room or at least have the headphones on. And do try all the buttons and switches.

Learning Finnish through knitting patterns

Task based language learning is supposed to give one the focus to learn language faster through general familiarity with the task and limited vocabulary. This approach fails spectacularly for one hard core knitter. Fortunately, internet is there to help. (via LanguageHat) And if this situation is common for you, NativeText(WayBackMachine archive) is hoping to make a business (or at least a website) around the distributed human translation.

Virtual snowflakes

I remember cutting out snowflakes out of the paper around New Year time. It was fun and strangely addictive. I thought I was over it. Obviously not, as I have found this virtual Make-a-Flake game (if one can call it that) and I am snipping away again.

My first machinima movie

My movie has been in the development for a while. It started around Christmas, but took a long while to get all 3 voice-over tracks recorded, edited and aligned to subtitles. In addition, the Movies game - which is what I used - has infuriating habits of losing the subtitle and sound track locations around if one wants to redo a scene or recut the sequence. And the camera work could have been more flexible.

Gmail and the periodic spam filtering failure

Gmail is usually pretty good about spam filtering. But not at the moment. As of the last 2 or 3 days, the spam I know it caught before is now ending up in my mailbox. And I think I know why. The same thing happened over Christmas. Suddenly all the spam appeared in my inbox. I had a theory then and it seems to be confirmed now. I think Gmail team drops their filtering level around big celebrations (Valentine’s day is coming up).