Chumby presentation at BarCampNYC3
I have gone (and will go back tomorrow) to the BarCampNYC3. The requirement for every person to speak was not enforced, but I figured I have something to contribute anyway. I brought and talked about the Chumby. I entitled my talk “Chumby - Open, Cool, Cute”.
My session must have only had 6 people in it, but I think all those people were interested and asked good questions. I certainly got some queries after the talk and even later in the evening, when I put Chumby on display again. Certainly, the accelerometer-based Chumball widget was inviting; after all, the only other well-known device that supports accelerometer is iPhone. I even got a positive review of the session already.
I also got to speak to some people about my research and allowed for a silly photograph to be taken of me.
I have enjoyed a number of other sessions. Not every presenter had a strong idea of what they wanted to say, but there was plenty of people in the audience willing to lend their understanding and interpretation. I think this must a part of BarCamp’s culture.